RFCLA Community Zoom Update as May 1

Whats App Image 2024 03 29 at 5 25 45 PM
10 months ago

Rugby Football Club Los Angeles appreciate the support of the rugby community provided for the first 100 days of the club.

Dear Senior & Youth Rugby clubs,

Rugby Football Club Los Angeles (RFCLA) appreciate the time of those that could join the inaugural RFCLA / Club Update session held over zoom on Monday 22 April.

For all clubs in the RFCLA catchment that attended and for those unable to attend a summary of actions are listed below for your review and further feedback via our dedicated community@rugbyfcla.com email.

RFCLA Attendees and update areas covered during the update:

Executive leadership from RFCLA provided a general update of the first 100 days of RFCLA.

  • Head of Commercial Strategy spoke to RFCLA business objective to engage with the Rugby community in a structured manner to ensure growth of the game from the grassroots up.
  • General Manager of Rugby Rugby and RFCLA Academy Director outlined the approach to building a pathway that will connect clubs with RFCLA to ensure development of players in the region across all age groups.

Club Feedback from the meeting

Summary of items raised by clubs over the call with actions and considerations for each to be developed by RFCLA.

Club Support required in the promotion of the game to a new generation focusing on children under the age of 12-13 targeting schools where Rugby is not currently part of the sports program plus existing Rugby schools.

Access to RFCLA facilities and Rugby personnel for development of coaches and player training sessions for 15s and 7s seasons. This includes “Coaching the Coaches” sessions to develop experienced and new parent coaches with skills and programs specific to established team coaching and also introductory coaches at the junior age group level.

Development of a Rugby Community Calendar aligned with RFCLA Rugby personnel and players schedules to increase visibility and connections with participants, particularly youth clubs.

RFCLA to consider funding for the development of the game, facilities and sanctioned competitions and development team tours.

Future RFCLA Rugby Community sessions to address pathway plans for the three age groups of participant players for females and males:

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RFCLA Community Activation to date

RFCLA actions to date that will be developed and presented directly at the next Club Update to the executive of in late May are as follows:

Recruitment of RFCLA Development Officers for the RFCLA Rugby community catchment areas of northern Los Angeles down to the south San Diego. Interviews taking place with appointments in the coming weeks.

Development of Rugby Player Pathway program currently in development with an update at next Club Community update via direct contact by Harry Bennett and Mark Carter to gain further input. Date to be confirmed for coaches & coach volunteers to attend.

Development of a Rugby Community calendar into the 7s season with a schedule of coach and player windows to allow for access through to the end of MLR season in June/July. The off-season schedule to be developed in 2025 pre-season RFCLA squad training period.

Other areas of development needing further discussion:

1. Alignment of playing seasons across each area from grassroots, college to MLR

2. Review and develop a new Rugby Introductory Level to promote the game developing a new generation of players leading into the Rugby World Cup hosting in 2031 for men and 2033 for women.

3. Build a school’s program that promotes participation and health but also compliments other school sports.

If you have any queries of further feedback, please do not hesitate to let us know via community@rugbyfcla.com.

Next Club Executive meeting: Wed 29 May, with video meeting link to be supplied by RFCLA.

On behalf your Club, we'd like to thank you for your support and commitment towards the game of rugby here in Los Angeles.

Yours in Rugby,


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